Life in Florida

Located in the southeastern United States, the state of Florida attracts more and more expatriates each year. Whether they are investors, professionals or young students, all are seduced by the “Sunshine State”.

The mild climate, white sandy beaches, developed infrastructure, attractive real estate market and of course, a lenient tax system make it the ideal destination on the East Coast of the USA. Florida is the fourth most populous state in the Americas and also one of the most prosperous.

Florida seduces on all levels, here are the reasons why.

¿Que vas a ver?
  1. Immigrants in Florida
  2. The real estate market in Florida
  3. Taxation as mild as the weather
  4. Schools in Florida
  5. The cultural offer in Florida
  6. Temperatures in Florida
  7. Nature in Florida

Immigrants in Florida

The state of Florida is as we have seen the fourth most populated state in the United States. Many immigrants from all over the world come here to try to conquer America. But not only, many American retirees also come to spend their old age under the Florida sun.

The real estate market in Florida

The real estate market is very attractive in this part of the country. Very good opportunities exist which attracts investors from all over the world. The prices of real estate in Florida are often lower than those in Europe, hence the interest for real estate in Florida. If we add sunshine all year round (or almost) then we do not hesitate and we settle in Florida.

Taxation as mild as the weather

The tax system in Florida is very lenient and offers many advantages to company founders and also facilitates the obtaining of visas. As a matter of fact, any investor who would invest USD 500,000 in a company could be entitled to a green card if the company presents positive financial results and creates and maintains jobs.

Unlike California, where the corporate income tax is 8.8 percent, in Florida it is only 4.458 percent. In addition, the state constitution states in black and white that the state will not levy income taxes on individuals.

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Schools in Florida

In order to revitalize the state, Florida has tried to attract as many young families as possible and has therefore relied heavily on the educational offer. The local authorities have therefore relied on the establishment of very good schools because according to them, good schools attract good students who encourage the schools to seek excellence.

In Florida, there are many students attracted by the academic potential, with universities like the University of Central Florida for example.

The cultural offer in Florida

Florida offers a multicultural environment that is suitable for everyone.
There is an ever-increasing array of cultural entertainment available, making the region an even more attractive place to stay. Events, concerts, museums, national parks, etc. are just some of the activities that make you enjoy Florida.

Florida is also known to have many attractions such as the famous Walt Disney park for example. There is something for everyone.

If you choose to live in Florida, be sure not to miss anything in terms of entertainment and this no matter your budget.

Temperatures in Florida

The climate in Florida is very mild and can be compared to the south of France. It is a subtropical climate, with hot and humid summers and dry but mild winters.

Nature in Florida

Florida, unlike many other states, is a “green” state. Who doesn’t know the Everglades? The crocodiles?

Florida is a state full of wild animals. It is quite common to see a couple of peacocks crossing a road and blocking the traffic, it is also possible to see alligators in the Everglades, racoons, etc.

If you are still hesitating to settle in Florida, this list should help you to see more clearly.
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